Hairbrained and Sassoon Collaborate: Educators Course

Article published at: May 21, 2017
Hairbrained and Sassoon Collaborate: Educators Course

The Hairbrained community is united by the widely accepted concept that education is the key to success – and over the last several years – we’ve seen the trend in education move towards the independent faction. “Independent education is amazingly popular right now,” says Traci Sakosits, North American Creative Director for Sassoon. “Internationally, things are being done independently.” Undoubtedly, this movement has created ample opportunity – but it’s also fostered a certain amount of unpredictability. To bridge the gap, Sassoon, in conjunction with Hairbrained, has created ‘The Educator Course,’ with Traci Sakosits (get your tickets, here). 


As a vetted educator herself, Traci wants to help fellow educators to understand the fine art of teaching. “Common language, simplicity in language, and understanding how people learn (both physically and emotionally),” says Traci; these skills are essential to being an effective educator. “I think that there are important lessons that educators need to learn – and the consumer needs to understand the quality of the education that they’re receiving.” For example, she adds, it’s important to know your audience, and to be flexible regarding their needs. “Be flexible enough to adjust your curriculum to suit you audiences expectations.”

Hairbrained members – the independent and education-minded among them – says Traci, are the target audience for this class. “This class was made specifically with Hairbrained in mind. It’s the perfect audience, because Hb is both a meeting place and a platform, which has helped to give everyone a voice (without having a brand behind you). That’s where creativity thrives, in an open forum.”

Traci is hoping to attract students who are semi-experienced educators, whether that experience is related to brand-affiliated, platform or independent education. She’ll capitalize off of this shared experience, allowing for roundtable discussions and an open-forum like experience. “Above all,” Traci promises, “we’ll have a good time with it. The goal is for people to walk away, and feel inspired to do more and be more.”


For the first time ever, Hb Pro will be offering the ‘Educator Course, plus the bi-annual Sassoon Master Class, which takes a look into the latest Sassoon Collection as a source of inspiration. “We are honored to be the first online retailer to present Sassoon classes – and we feel proud to offer this selection of courses to our online family,” says Gerard Scarpaci. Buy tickets, here

So, if you’re an educator and feel drawn to boosting your skillset, visit Hb Pro, today, and pick up tickets to this limited-availability course. The one of a kind experience is perfectly accessible, and will help to fill your ‘creative tank,’ making you the best possible educator that you can be.  “I feel really connected to teaching other educators,” finishes Traci. “We’ll be able to get together, share ideas – and come out better than we came in. And that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it?”
